Wednesday, March 04, 2009

John Lennon 老早就說了, "All you need is love" 你還沒有聽見嗎?

The last warning sign of End-stage anxiety has finally set in: labial herpes.
As a break from the exhaustion from post-PACES anxiety syndrome, we watched the Slumdog Millioniare.


This is of no doubt a great movie, possibly one of the greatest in years. It has all the essential elements that it takes to become one:
A breathtaking and inspiring story (with elements of romance in it)
+ A genius as the director (you don't know Danny Boyle? Oh c'mon you gotta be kidding me)
+ Another genius as the music director (Okay I've never heard of A.R. Rahman either. I'll go back and read up. But his OST has just entered my must-buy list.)
+ A cute couple as the leading characters
+ A bunch of lovely kids as the side characters
+ A series of gimmicks
+ A bigger message behind
= A Hollywood blockbuster
Don't get me wrong. It's not that I'm not into the movie. I'm loving it. I played Jai-Ho in my computer all day long these days.

This is a movie of hope and love.
But there are so much darkness brought about by this movie.
And by the darkness, I am overwhelmed.
(...this somewhat defeat the purpose of seeing this movie in the first place...)


無論是披著羊皮的拐子佬請天真瀾漫的小 Salim 和小 Jamal 喝可樂的一幕, 還是 Dev Patel 凝著一眶淚水說 "I wake up every morning wishing I didn't know the answer to that question..." 的一幕, 下下都腰心腰肺, 腰到你爆。

要煽情而不落俗套 卻絕不容易
參與拍攝 Slumdog Millionaire 絕對會是一個快樂而奇妙的旅程

或許 Danny Boyle 拍這片子的時候並沒有想太多
沒有想著印度教, 伊斯蘭教, 錫克教還有佛教之間, 動辄死傷上萬的恐怖流血衝突
沒有想著那幾名小童星有沒有能力承受荷里活的紙醉金迷, 然後再回到孟買的貧民窟生活下去
沒有想著印度以至中國還有無數第三世界國家裡面, 人口販賣如何猖厥



I apologize for writing this unorganized, may be even disturbing entry.
Hey, I'm not a professional film critic plus I felt blue these days.
What do you expect!

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